Saturday, February 2, 2013

Clean & Simple Card Making 2 - Lesson 5 (Card 2)

Here is the second card

I learned from one of the instructors, Kristina, that floral stamps doesn't always have to stand up straight. So I put the stem side ways as she did in her demo and I think this card turned out pretty cute!

*Please continue to the next post to see the last card I made for this lesson.


  1. I love the way the petals travel off the card...very effective use of space!

  2. Another really cute card...I like the flower on the side and would not have thought of that myself...thinking outside the box is a good thing sometimes!

    1. Thank you very much!! I noticed Kristina Werner (one of the instructors) doing that on her card so I thought I'd give it a try too. It sure is different and unexpected! =D
